Tips meant to benefit your event:

Talk to us!

Let us know what kind of event you are planning. Where? How many attendees? In what languages? We can help you and offer you pointers in the local market in order to make your conference or meeting a success. We listen to your conference details and bring on the team that has the most experience in your field and the event's language needs.

Plan in advance.

Plan and confirm your conference dates with us well in advance in order to avoid interpreter shortage, especially in high season (September - December).

Help us help you.

Our highly qualified professional interpreters study & research to become familiarized with the specific content and terminology of your event in advance. So remember to provide interpreters with the event’s program, speaker bios, presentations, brochures and reference material so they can prepare for your event.

Inform your speakers they are being interpreted.

Introduce us to the speakers. This allows us to agree on the pace they will speak at and to ask about specific terms they may be using during the presentation. Some languages use more words than others and will take interpreters longer to convey what the speaker is saying. Most importantly, organizers and speakers should let interpreters know in advance if they will be showing videos or reading documents. Help us get your message across to your audience!

Professional equipment.

Hire simultaneous interpretation equipment suppliers that offer professional technicians, high quality sound headsets and soundproof booths.

Don’t try to hide us! Remember to install booths in the conference room so that interpreters have full visibility of speakers and participants.

Interpreting explained by AIIC — What it is interpreting? How does it work? How does it add value to your event? Find out all you need to know about interpreting done right. Click on the links for more information on simultaneous interpretation as well as a Checklist for conference organizers and Guidelines for speakers.